Thursday, July 28, 2011

Community Supported Agriculture

No farms, no food...simple as that.  And with people wanting to disrupt life in the US, buying local is key to our future.  We've joined a CSA Co-op (Community Supported Agriculture). We pay an upfront fee to a farmer and all summer and fall we get organically grown veggies. The upfront fees guarantee the farmer an income to purchase spring supplies...and you get great food. 

These are veggies that taste like the veggies when you were a kid.  There's U-Pick every week and it's a great place for families to show kids what their food actually looks like. It's vital to keeping eastern Massachusetts farmers in business.  We split a large share with another couple and we still don't eat all the food we pickup. I freeze or can something every week.

The picture below is one weeks catch from the farm.  I need to improve my photography...working on that.

To find a CSA near you in eastern New England.  Try this:

Happy (and healthy) eating!

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